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Megalodon Shark Facts

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Fossil Discussion Topics

Various discussion topics in related to fossils. Everything from information about a specific animal to articles outliening awesome finds?

Land Vertabrates

Gomphotherium Calvertensis

Sweet associated set of teeth and tusks from a Gomphotherium Calvertensis(early elephant) collected over several months in Virginia
Hoplophoneus primavaeus

My first saber cat, a Hoplophoneus. Brief story on the find and extraction

Marine Vertabrates

Shark Fossils

Fact page on what type of shark fossils can actually be found
Megalodon Shark Facts

Megalodon shark facts, how big did it get? what did it eat? where can it be foudn? and so on

General Topics

Fossil Hunting Tools

Fossil hunting tools - Rock Hammers, shovels, rakes, what you need and where to get it
Fossil Display Cases and Riker Mounts

Find out the best way to store and display your fossils
What is a fossil?

Learn what fossils are and how they are formed